Makeup Mondays – DIY cheap face mask to control acne

Hey guys!

My skin this week has been very problematic due to stress, being sick,  having poor sleep and maybe even due to the change of weather. I usually use products high in salicylic acid to control a breakout but I thought I would make a mask to use regularly so I don’t overuse skincare items that can be quite harsh on my face.

So first this is what I found out: salicylic acid is naturally occurring in fresh fruits,  vegetables and nuts. Some of the foods with the highest amounts of salicylic acid are: almonds, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe and dates.

I happened to have blackberries so I decided to use that for my DIY mask. I also know that a good way to extract things from foods are by heating them. So I heated my blackberries and stirred them regularly so they didn’t burn. I then mushed up the whole fruit through a sieve to extract as much liquid as possible.

I also soaked some almonds for 1-2 hours in warm water and then removed the water and blended the almonds until I got a paste like consistency. I added my blackberry juice to this and I let the mixture sit on my face for 30 minutes.

I definitely feel like this helped get rid of redness and shrunk spots. I also liked this mask because it’s natural so I feel like it’s non-invasive to my already jam-packed skincare routine. This is also a very easy and cheap alternative to the ones that I usually buy, I will definitely use this again and I highly recommend for you to try it (test out on small patch of skin first).

If you do try it, please let me know what you think!

Sasha xx


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